
Writer : Al-Haj Tofazzal Hossain Khan
ISBN : 984 08 0208 9
Year of Publication : 2006
Cover Design
Size : 9.9"X7.5"
Price : Tk. 350 (hardback) / US$ 25

আল কোরানুল মজিদ আরবী শব্দের বাংলা সাংকেতিক শব্দার্থ ও বাংলা অনুবাদসহ

মাহান গ্রন্থ আল কোরআন, মাহান আল­াহ মানব জাতির পথ প্রদর্শন ও জীবন বিধানরূপে ফিরিশতা জিব্রাইল মারফত শেষ নবী হযরত মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) এর নিকট প্রেরণ করিয়াছিলেন এবং মহাকাশ ও পৃথিবীর স্রষ্টা আল­াহর কথা ও আদেশ নির্দেশ সরাসরি লিপিবদ্ধ করা হইয়াছে। পার্থিব জীবনের প্রয়োজনে শুধু বাংলা ভাষাভাষী মুসলমান নয়, পৃথিবীর বিভিন্ন ভাষাভাষী মুসলমানগণ ইংরেজী, জার্মানী, ফরাসী ভাষাসহ বিভিন্ন ভাষা শিক্ষা করিয়াছেন; কিন্তু অনন্তকালের সম্বল আল কোরআন বুঝিতে ও শিখিতে পারেন নাই। সেই প্রেেিত মাহান গ্রন্থ আল কোরআন বোঝা ও জানার জন্য আলহাজ তোফাজ্জল হোসেন খান সুদীর্ঘ ১০ বৎসর কাল সময় ধরে আপ্রাণ চেষ্টার পর সাংকেতিক শব্দার্থসহ এই অনুবাদ রচনা করেছেন। যেহেতু আরবী শব্দের নীচে এবং উক্ত আরবী শব্দের বাংলা অর্থের নীচে সাংকেতিক সংখ্যা লেখা হইয়াছে, সুতরাং ইনশাআল­াহ আল কোরআনে নেই এইরূপ অতিরিক্ত কথা অনুবাদে লেখা অথবা আল কোরআনের অর্থবোধক কোন কথা বাদ পরার সম্ভাবনা নাই।
Writer : Kalimur Rahman
ISBN : 984 08 0226 7
Year of Publication : 2007
Cover Design : Ashim Kumar Halder
Size : 8.5"X5.5"
Price : Tk.100 (hardback) / US$ 7

Past Events

"Past Events" is the result of collection and compilation of some of my articles, reviews and letters published in the newspapers and magazines of Calcutta, Dhaka and Sydney, regarding the occurrence of the events in the past.

In this book, as far as feasible, stress is laid on the chronological place of each article on the event.

I hope and trust that reading of this book will be beneficial to my readers, because reading makes a person knowledgeable and knowledge is power.

I look forward to the benefit of increasing number of my readers who will read this book.
Writer : Muhammad Inam al-Haqq
ISBN : 984 08 0300 X
Year of Publication : 2013
Cover Design : Muhammad Inam al-Haqq
Size : 8.5"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 500 (hardback) AUD$ 25

Da’wah A Theological Response to Global Disorder

Shaheed undertook two major journeys in two opposite directions of the world: West and East. These two journeys caused him to investigate the issues he encountered in depth as he was looking for the answers why he ended up in these two places that he never planned in his free mind. Through his investigation Shaheed revealed that he confronted occultism in the West and introduced with the spiritualism in the East and he concluded his investigation as: Occult forces are ruling the planet. Humanity is on the brink of complete destruction being influenced by these antagonist forces. This occult rule must come to an end. Da’wah, a theological response, has all of the merit and strength to challenge this occult rule. At the end, he realised all his journeys were related to a mystical experience which was originated out of an exceptional love encounter. Furthermore he questions whether he actually encountered a human love or a Divine love as his mystic master always remained invisible throughout the journeys.
Writer : Edward Willam Lane
Year of Publication : 1988
Cover Design
Size : 7.3"X5"
Price : Tk. 150 (hardback) US$ 10

Arabian Society in the Middle Ages Studies from the Thousand and One Nights

Edward William Lane`s footnotes to The Arabian Nights have long been recognised by Orientalists as the most come picture in existence of Arabian Society - or rather of those Arab, Persian of Greek, but still Mohammedan conditions of life and boundaries of the mental horizon which are generally distinguished by the name of Arabian. These have been collected, edited and presented in this book in a coherent form. To extracts from Arabian historians and other authors of the later Middle Ages, Lane has added the results of his personal experience of Arab society towards the end of the last century. From this blending of record and experience emerges an accurate picture of the Muslim society which remained almost unchanged until the beginning of the 20th century.
Writer : Iqbal A. Ansari
ISBN : 1989
Year of Publication
Cover Design
Size : 8.5"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 280 (hardback) / US$ 20

The Muslim Situation in India

The Indian Constitution envisages a secular polity guaranteeing the minorities the right to preserve their cultural, linguistic and religious identity. Communal readings of history during the past forty years, particularly of the Partition, have however, distorted the people`s perceptions, attitudes and values. Militant creeds propagating various shades of fundamentalism have raised their ugly heads, frequently leading to violent clashes between Muslims and Hindus. While the majority community sees in these developments a threat to the country`s integrity, the minorities view the former`s efforts at centralisation and homogenisation as a threat to their separate cultural religious identity.

The resultant deterioration in secular values provided the backdrop for an open discussion on the Muslim situation in India held at a seminar organised by the Institute of Objective Studies in New Delhi in July 1987. This volume comprises the papers presented at the seminar, reflecting a broad spectrum of Muslim opinion.
Writer : K. Ali Afzal
ISBN : 984 08 0163 5
Year of Publication : 2004
Cover Design : Ashim Kumar Halder
Size : 8.5"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 325 (hardback) / US$ 25

Muslim Revolutionaries and The British 1914-1919

‘The Muslim Revolutionaries and the British,’ is an account of an undercover movement of the Muslims to over throw the British Indian Empire. It relates to the period from August 1914 to September 1939.

The earliest political movement for the liberation of the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent was started by the Muslim Revolutionaries in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. To suppress it the Bengal Regulation III of 1818 was passed which enabled the British rulers to detain a person without trial during peace time. But neither this Regulation, not the State Trials at Malda, at Rajshahi and at other places in the third quarter of that century could exterminate the Muslim anarchists. Several military expeditions were sent to destroy the `rebel camps` of the revolutionaries who had established settlements in the `No Man`s Land` beyond the British India`s North-West Frontier. But these expeditions failed to crush the movement. The details of the activities of the Muslim revolutionaries have been gathered from the Report of the Sedition Committee of the Government of India, autobiographies, memoirs, and signed articles which have appeared from time to time in various journals and periodicals.
Writer : Khaleda Manzur-i- Khuda
ISBN : 984 08 0189 9
Year of Publication : 2004
Cover Design : Ashim Kumar Halder
Size : 8.5"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 150 (hardback) / US$ 15

ISLAM The Formative Background of Bangladesh

Reading history should not only mean the chronological presentation of development during various kings and their dynasties, but should also try to establish the developments with their causative factors.

I always was interested to kind out the root cause of creation of Bangladesh with nearly ninety percent Muslims as a country for the Bengali speaking people of the Indian sub-continent. In the past a Bengali person appeared to represent a Bengali speaking Hindu not only to the Indians but also to the then West Pakistani people. The later evolutionary factors which resulted in creation of Bangladesh as homeland for the Bengali Muslims in presented herein in the research for the M. A thesis.
Writer : Mohammad Abu Hena
ISBN : 984 08 0287 9
Year of Publication : 2013
Cover Design : Golam Kabir
Size : 9.3"X6.2"
Price : Tk. 150 (hardback) / US$ 25

Islam The Last Hope

‘In those ten years he destroyed idolatry in Arabi a; raised woman from the status of a chattel to complete legal equality with man; effectually stopped the drunkenness and immorality which had till then disgraced the Arabs; made men to live with faith, sincerity and honest dealing; transformed tribes who had been for centuries content with ignorance into a people with the greatest thirst for knowledge; and for the first time in history made universal human brotherhood a fact and principle of common law. And his support and guide in all that work was the Qur`an.’ This is how Marmaduke Pickthall described the Medina life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his introduction to the first English translation of the Qur`an by an Englishman who was a Muslim. Yet there are some English speaking people who dish the dirt on the Prophet and eviscerate the Qur’an which carried the message of unity of peace under one God. The aim of this book is to present to English readers how Muslims the world over live and work for building ‘a nation brought forth for mankind, bidding unto good, enjoining what is right and rejecting what is wrong, believing in God.’ Tracking back through the long tape of history every effort has been made to substantiate the truth of the statement made by Marmaduke Pickthall and capture the mood of the Islamic World from 622 AD. to the present day. We remember those days as innocent and full of hope. This book will help broaden our horizon, strengthen our faith, build positive feelings and illustrate how strongly the Qur`an insists that ‘there shall be no coercion in matters of faith’ and commands the Muslims to respect the beliefs of the Jews and the Christians, whom the Qur`an calls ahl-al-kitab, a phrase usually translated , ‘People of the Book.’
Writer : Mohammad Abu Hena
ISBN : 984 08 0287 9
Year of Publication : 2013
Cover Design : Golam Kabir
Size : 9.3"X6.2"
Price : Tk. 1500 (hardback) / US$ 25

এক ঝাঁক নক্ষত্র- প্রিয়তম নবীজীর সাথীরা

‘এক ঝাঁক নক্ষত্র-প্রিয়তম নবীজীর সাথীরা’, ড. সালমা আইনীর একটি প্রচেষ্টা। সংকলনটি ‘ঈড়সঢ়ধহরড়হং ড়ভ ঃযব চৎড়ঢ়যবঃ’ – আব্দুল ওয়াহিদ হামিদ সংকলিত নবী (স.) - এর উপরে ইংরেজিতে লেখা বইটির বাংলায় ভাষান্তরিত রূপ। বইটিতে বিশ জন সাহাবীর ওপরে বিশটি লেখা রয়েছে। এই সাহাবী বা নবী (স.)- এর এই সাথীরা সবসময় বহুল আলোচিত সাহাবীদের মধ্যে পড়েন না। কিন্তু ইসলামের ইতিহাসে, ইসলামের প্রচার এবং প্রসারে তাঁদের অবদান এবং অতুলনীয় আত্মত্যাগ প্রতিটি মুসলিমের জন্য এক অনবদ্য আত্মজাগরণ এবং মুসলিম হিসেবে জীবনের সার্থকতাকে উজ্জীবিত করে। নবী (স.)- এর সময়কার নওমুসলিম এবং সাহাবীদের কথা পড়তে পড়তে যে কোন মানুষের মন এক অদ্ভুত আবেগে আপ্লুত হয়ে যায়। বইটির তথ্য উপাত্ত ইতিহাস নির্ভর এবং গবেষণালব্ধ। বইটির মাধ্যমে নবীজীর সময়কার জীবন এবং এই সময়কালের গতি প্রকৃতির একটি বাস্তব পরিচ্ছন্ন ছবি আঁকা হয়েছে।