
Writer : Jamal Khan and Mahabubur Rahaman
ISBN : 978-984-91449-6-0
Year of Publication : March, 2016
Cover Design : Golam Kabir
Size : 8.5X 5.5”
Price : Tk. 700.00, US$ 25.00

Making a Common Cause: Public Management and Bangladesh

Making a Common Cause: Public Management and Bangladesh pursues a management approach to the country’s public sector, situates public management in a context of underdevelopment, systems theory and mobilization, underwrites that management is not only instrumentalist but also essentialist, and humanizes and opens the public domain. Paralleling this strand, several research issues – development, management and populism – are trailed, which are, in many respects, empowerment issues. With Bangladesh morphing through fragile, and yet challenging time, where neither publicness nor management is appreciated as expected, the multifacetedness of public management as a discipline and as a profession serves as an enabler and as a bulwark. By focusing on social policy, industrial policy, agricultural development, economic development, energy regulation, telecommunication regulation and managerialization, and conducting a focus group survey and presenting survey evidence, an effort is made to make people, customers, organizations, media and decision-makers genuinely excited about public sector and country development, dispel the misgivings that public management is trite, humdrum and mirthless, and posit that management is not only about power, authority, control and regulation but also about growth, development, distribution, fairness, access, representation and participation. Going still further, appropriate policies, faster decisions, proper resource allocation, competent personnel, timely output generation and delivery, regular enforcement and capable implementation, effective monitoring and evaluation, continuous measurement and quantification, authentic communication and wide-ranging dissemination, relevant education and training, meticulous accountability and transparency and periodic reform and renewal provide some of the sturdy bastions of public management in the country. While analysis pulls together the discourse, brings up analytical issues that are germane to the theory and practice of public management in Bangladesh and speaks not only to the challenges but also the promises of development, management, populism and empowerment, findings accent the misuse and underutilization of public management in the country’s organizational approaches. Synergistic tenor, resolute leadership, correct policy decisions and a systemically-configured management system can go a long way to improving the existing managerial and operational flaws. The work takes a stand against self-colonization and dependency, self-devouring practices, lethal partisan rancour, outrageous gaffs, outlandish behaviour, boorish skulduggery, a vertiginous rise of dysfunction and all the perfidy and indifference of the elite groups. For millions in the country, some public sector interactions and experiences are like a bad meal which takes long to digest and even longer to forget, making people look for a break.
Writer : à¦¹à¦°à§‡à¦¨à§à¦¦à§à¦° কান্তি দে
ISBN : 984 08 0106 6
Year of Publication : 1995
Cover Design : 8.5"X5.5"
Size : 8.5"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 175 (paperback) / US$ 10

ব্যাষ্টিক অর্থনীতির রূপরেখা ও প্রয়োগ

ব্যষ্টিক অর্থনীতির মূল প্রতিপাদ্যকে এই বইটিতে উপযুক্ত যৌক্তিক কাঠামোয় সহজবোধ্যভাবে ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়েছে। বিষয়ভিত্তিক বিশ্লেষণ ও উপস্থাপনার বিন্যাস এমনভাবে করা হয়েছে যে, এতে বিভিন্ন অনুপুঙ্খ নিজেদের বৈশিষ্টে ভাস্বর থেকেও বিষয়বস্তুর অখন্ড চিত্রটিকে ম্লান করেনি। আলোচনা মূলত: তত্তে¡র উপর হলেও এতে অনেক পরিচিত সমস্যার বিশ্লেষণে ব্যষ্টিক অর্থনীতির নীতিমালার প্রয়োগ দেখানো হয়েছে, যা তাত্তি¡ক বিশ্লেষণের বোধগম্যতাকে গভীরতর করবে।

আলোচনাকে প্রাথমিক স্তর থেকে শুরু করে ক্রমান্বয়ে উচ্চতর পর্যায়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া হয়েছে। এর ফলে উচ্চতর স্তরের ছাত্রছাত্রীদের প্রয়োজন মেটানো ছাড়াও অনুসন্ধিৎসু সাধারণ পাঠকের নিকটও বইটি গ্রহণযোগ্য হবে। নতুন শৈলী ও আঙ্গিকে বাংলা ভাষায় রচিত এই বইটি সংক্ষিপ্ত পরিসরে ব্যষ্টিক অর্থনীতির একটি পূর্ণাঙ্গ পরিচয় প্রদানের প্রয়াস।
Writer : Charan D. Wadhva Sadril A. Reza
Year of Publication : 1987
Cover Design
Size : 8.7"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 325 (Paper back), US$ 15

Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia

One important element in the quest for a New International Economic Order being formulated under the aegis of UNCTAD is promotion o collective self-reliance among the developing countries, or what is known as ‘South-South Economic Cooperation’. The studies in this volume constitute a pilot effort by a group of Asian scholars in exploring ""South-South Cooperation" by analysing the nature and potential of regional and sub-regional cooperation in trade and joint ventures in Asia. In addition to the Overview contributed by the project coordinator, this survey includes country studies on Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Writer : R.H. Honavar and S.V. Bokil
Year of Publication : 1989
Cover Design
Size : 8.7"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 125 (hardback), US$ 10

New International Economic Order and Systemic Reform

The book begins with an analysis of the NIEO reforms agenda. The authors find that this is a middle-of-the-road programme, and implies no design to destabilise the conservative thinkers in the North. Moreover, the programme does not contain any radical redistributive demands to dispossess the richer countries of their affluence. Even then the North-South dialogue has reached a stalemate due to unfounded fears and lack of bargaining leverage with the South. As a way out, the authors believe that focusing attention on systemic reforms may lay the basis for a new international economic order. A powerful case, based on mutual gains, is made out for a set of systemic reforms in the areas of international liquidity, exchange rates, aid and credit flows, debt relief, and the IMF conditionality. Systemic reforms are possible if we grasp the principles behind international cooperation. The authors believe that India can play an active role if she modifies her negotiation strategies.
Writer : M. Taheruddin
Year of Publication : 1986
Cover Design
Size : 8.7"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 90 (Paperback), US$ 10

Essays on Banking and Development in Bangladesh

The essays included in the volume deal with diverse issues of banking and finance and have the touch of reality emanating out of insight in practical problems.
Writer : Shamsun N. Ahmed
ISBN : 984 08 0161 9
Year of Publication : 2000
Cover Design
Size : 8.7"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 235 (Paperback), US$ 20

The Theory of Existence of General Equilibrium in the History of Mathematical Economics

The book ‘The Theory of Existence of General Equilibrium: In the History of Mathematical Economics’ focuses on the nature of different paradigms involved in the development of the existence of general equilibrium during 1838-1976. It examines the factors which led the general equilibrium theorists to develop the model of existence of general equilibrium: the individuals responsible for identifying the problem associated with the earlier general equilibrium theory; the link between the earlier and the modern theory of the existence of equilibrium: the individual or group who developed the first existence proof; the contributions of the modern existence theorists of general equilibrium; the approach which finally did emerge. This book reveals how the proofs of existence of competitive equilibrium system have been modified by developments of appropriate mathematical techniques.
Writer : Wali I. Mondal
ISBN : 984 32 0284 8
Year of Publication : 2007 (second print)
Cover Design : Nipu
Size : 8.5"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 300 (Paper back), US$ 20

Microcredit & Microentrepreneurship Collateral free loan at work in Bangladesh

Bangladesh in the leader of collateral free microcredit model. More than 25 million poor people from over 50 countries of the world are benefiting from microcredit.. There was, however, a void in microcredit literature about its origin. Collateral free microcredit dates back to 1905 when Rabindranath Tagore founded kaligram Krishi Bank in Patishar in the district of Naogaon. This book traces the events leading to the establishment of kaligram Krishi Bank by poet Tagore who was the landlord of Patishar area.
The microfinance institutes (MFIs) of Bangladesh are unique in that they work as bankers to the poor but they are not banks. The MFIs are part of the Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) providing a variety of loan products to the poor people according to the missions of their parent NGOs. The book analyzes the oligopoly in the microcredit market of Bangladesh. The book also evaluates the contributions of microcredit industry in Bangladesh in non-technical terms.
Writer : Monirul I Khan & Santi R. Howlader
ISBN : 984 08 0183 X
Year of Publication : 2003
Cover Design : Hesabur Rahman Nipu
Size : 8.7"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 200 (Paperback), US$ 10

Does Approach Matter in poverty Reduction

In this book the readers will find a result of a comparative study on the effect of three very significant poverty reduction programmes in rural Bangladesh. The selected programmes included micro-credit, food assistance and the employment to the women commissioned by ASA, CARE-GOB and the BRAC-GOB through the local body of Union Parishad. The latter two are popularly known as the RMP and IGVGD programmes.
Writer : Q K Ahmad, M. Anwarul Azim and Abdul Awal Mintoo
ISBN : 984 08 0199 6
Year of Publication : 2005
Cover Design : Ashim Kumar Halder
Size : 8.7"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 225 (Paperback), US$ 15

Energy Security in Bangladesh

Energy is a strategic determinant of economic and social progress. Bangladesh is currently unable to ensure necessary energy supplies to meet the energy demand of the country. Moreover, the gap between energy demand and supply in the country is widening. While demand is increasing as a result of economic, social, and technological expansion, the supply remains sticky, It is therefore, essential to take steps ensure necessary energy supplies and their proper distribution to all uses and users throughout the country to support steady socio-economic development in the country. The papers included in this book have addressed all aspects of energy security in the country, providing insights into the present status and guidelines for future action, Both the problems faced and the existing and emerging possibilities that may be tapped to improve the energy supply and distribution situation have been investigated. The book provides essential policy guidelines concerning energy security for Bangladesh.
Writer : Dr. Ruhul Amin
ISBN : 984 08 0220 8
Year of Publication : 2007
Cover Design : Golam Kabir
Size : 8.7"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 350 (hardback), US$ 25

Grameen Micro-Credit to Grameen Kalyan Health Program
For The Poor : Reasons For Optimism

The 1978 International Conference on Primary Health Care at Alma Ata at Kazaktan set the goal of ‘Health for all by the year 2000,’ Since then more than nearly three decades have elapsed. But the task that Alma Ata Conference had identified has remained, not mean that some progress has not been made in primary health care in Bangladesh but that the ending of rampant diseases, untimely deaths, and preventable disabilities has been quite limited, particularly among the poor. Thus, despite numerous past attempts in rural Bangladesh to deliver an integrated package of health services to all, no effective and sustainable institutional framework that can effectively do so has yet been established. The Grameen Kalyan Health Program of the Grameen Family of Institutions is an exception in this regard. It has initiated a package of rural health services for the rural poor, which is delivering not only effective, efficient, and sustainable services, but is also potentially capable of achieving scale.
Writer : Tareq Mahbub
ISBN : 984 08 0274 4
Year of Publication : 2011
Cover Design : Golam Kabir
Size : 8.7"X5.5"
Price : Tk. 300 (Paper back), US$ 10

Intellectual Property Rightss and Foreign Direct

Given a different structure of demand for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection under the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) mandate (geared toward the developing world to comply with the minimum protection criterion as opposed to a too stringent and weak IPR system, especially using the Agreement’s flexibilities for implementing TRIPS considering a developing country’s legal framework and other socio-economic conditions for attracting FDI), this research essay has investigated how an adequate IPR protection mechanism under the framework of TRIPS can augment FDI from a developing country’s perspective.
The basic theme advanced throughout this essay is that developed countries should exercise greater tolerance and flexibility to help developing countries comply with the TRIPS mandate of adequate IPR protection toward the generation of greater FDI in the emerging economies, and help reach a common platform on global IPR protection, which would be beneficial for both parties’ in the long-term.
In this context, developed countries should extend their cooperation by means of monetary and technical assistance and offer greater flexibility to help developing countries reform their domestic IPR regimes, which include (a) building a consensus for IPR reform (b) administration and judicial reform (c) administration and enforcement of IPR so that developed countries feel more secure to invest in developing countries, which could potentially increase foreign investment.